Golden Throat is a raw, heart-pounding epic adventure of danger, love and menacing intrigue. The premier release of a non-stop murder mystery set in 1930’s Los Angeles. Golden Throat is about the life and times of Cable Denning, an ex-cop turned private eye who faces head-on the forces and violence of an unjust world both in this and other dimensions.
Cable accidentally stumbles upon a mysterious golden capsule lodged in the throat of a not-quite human victim at the local morgue. This results in a dangerous and covert case that will follow and haunt him as he is pursued by sinister under-ground criminals and powerful organizations, both terrestrial and non-terrestrial.
From the midst of seemingly overwhelming horror and psychic trauma, fate comes to his rescue and Cable emerges with one of his brilliantly observant narratives that always ends with him back on his feet and ready for his next case.